Diana Nouveau - “Music Video Promotional”


Diana Nouveau is a musician from Atlanta, Georgia. She recorded a song,
I will provide link for full audio, that I filmed the video for to accompany the audio. The title of the song is “Virus". “I shot this video trying to keep one point perspective as the central theme of how I arranged the set of shots within the music video. The lyrics suggest a darker tone and I wanted to create an ominous feeling to accompany the music visually.

You can check out Diana Nouveau’s work here: dianaspotify placeholder for URL:*

Music Video
VIRUS - Released in 2020


Original Song: Diana New/ JJ New/ Dylan Lundy*

Location Scouting: Diana New/ Liz Smallwood*

Video Cast: Diana New/ Robert Hardie (Haedes on Spotify)

Cinematography: Taylor Bush

Photography: Taylor Bush

Graphic Design: Taylor Bush

Video Editor: Taylor Bush

Original Title Track from Diana Nouveau’s album titled, “VIRUS.”


“I shot this video trying to keep one point perspective as the central theme of how I arranged the set of shots within the music video. The lyrics suggest a darker tone and I wanted to create an ominous feeling to accompany the music visually.

Equipment List:

Nikon D7000 APS-C DSLR

Nikon 35mm f/1.8 AF DX prime lens (Wide-Angle Shots)

Nikkor 85mm f/1.8D AF prime lens (Super-Imposed Close Ups)